Plantar wart
Warts are caused by a virus of the human papilloma family (HPV). There are several strains of this virus, some of which preferentially colonize the feet. They are small, sometimes rough, benign lesions that form on the outer layer of the skin and are very delineated.

About this condition
The appearance may be round or cauliflower-like, with or without small black dots. They can range from a few millimeters in diameter to several millimeters in size, and are sometimes very painful when pressure is applied to the affected area.
Warts are contagious and the virus can survive for several days on a surface (floor, carpet, etc.), which promotes contagion. It has been shown that approximately 7 to 11% of the population is infected. Children and teenagers are most likely to be affected, but adults can also be infected. Warts can spread within a person by infecting the skin near the first lesions or on the other foot. The spread is further enhanced when the person touches the lesion with bare hands, scratches it, and continues to observe other areas of the foot or the other foot. Thus, the hands become the vector of propagation!
Avoid them...
• Avoid walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools, locker rooms, hotel rooms, etc.
• Inspect your feet occasionally to quickly detect the presence of a wart
If you suspect you have a plantar wart and/or are waiting for your podiatrist appointment, it is recommended to
Avoid walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools, locker rooms, hotel rooms, etc.
Avoid sharing beach shoes or sandals
Avoid touching the wart with bare hands
Avoid using a pumice stone or other tool to thin the wart, you risk spreading it!
Wear stockings in your shoes
When someone has plantar warts in your home, clean the shower with disinfectant for germs and bacteria before use, or wear beach sandals
Consult a podiatrist at the Clinique de Podiatrie Montarville
Inspect your feet occasionally to detect the presence of a plantar wart early. Different treatments are available to the patient, so after a complete clinical evaluation, the podiatrist will discuss and proceed with the appropriate treatment for you.