Flat foot
The flat foot is a collapse of the arch of the foot (also called plantar arch). In this condition, the arch of the foot is constantly or almost constantly in closer contact with the ground.

About this condition
When walking or playing sports, the ankle and foot sometimes move excessively, causing the whole body to walk improperly. Many people with this condition will experience pain in the feet (often the heel), ankles, knees, legs or lower back.
Problems with flat feet range from pain, deformity, fatigue, inadequate gait and increased or inadequate wear of shoes, boots and sandals. This form of foot can run in several members of the same family. It is therefore not surprising that your offspring has this condition and complains of pain or refuses to participate in physical activities.
Several causes, alone or in combination, can lead to flat feet :
This foot shape can be present in several members of the same family. Indeed, the ''flat foot'' shape can be of genetic origin or the consequence of ligament hyperlaxity, itself of hereditary incidence.
It is therefore not surprising that your offspring have this condition and complain of pain or refuse to participate in physical activities.
The podiatrist will perform a complete biomechanical examination of your foot joints, gait and posture. He can advise you on your choice of shoes, boots and sandals. One of the treatments for this condition in adults is the prescription of custom foot orthotics, which will reduce pain, fatigue and improve gait. In young children, wearing custom plantar orthoses will provide arch support that will improve the young person's biomechanical condition.
Consult a podiatrist at the Clinique de Podiatrie Montarville, he is a foot specialist and can help you with his expertise.

If you are experiencing pain, and/or while waiting for your appointment with one of our podiatrists:
Avoid walking barefoot
Wear a shoe, boot or sandal with adequate arch support
Consult a podiatrist at the Clinique de Podiatrie Montarville