Callus is a thickening of the skin that is usually diffuse and of varying size. It can be found under the heel or forefoot.

About this condition
Corn is a painful induration that forms as a pressure point against the skin of the foot. It is a mass of dead cell tissue resulting from the thickening of the superficial layer of the skin, in the center of which is the pressure point that gradually enlarges. Corn can be found between the toes (soft corn), on the toe joints, mostly of the hammertoe type, or on the sole of the foot (calluses).
Whether corns, calluses or callus, these conditions are often caused by ill-fitting shoes, boots or sandals. In many cases, too much pressure from the shoes or a biomechanical imbalance of the foot causes friction or greater weight on the precise part of the foot where the corn or callus forms. Dry skin also contributes to the development of these lesions.
Corns and calluses can be removed with sterile instruments. Your podiatrist can use, suggest or prescribe medication to treat these conditions. He can make sound recommendations for the choice of shoes, boots or sandals. Finally, he can evaluate the biomechanical function of the lower limbs and feet to determine the cause of the problem.
To do
Regular consultation with the foot care nurse or podiatrist at the Clinique de Podiatrie Montarville who will provide podiatric care in order to avoid pain and/or a compensated gait, caused by corns and calluses.
Apply daily a moisturizing cream/mousse under and over the feet while avoiding applying it between the toes!
The use of a manual or electric pumice stone as needed (no more than once a week) will help relieve and reduce the size of calluses. With care and without relentlessness, it is a useful tool.
To avoid
Remove corns or calluses yourself with scissors or nail clippers as this could cause severe skin irritation, bleeding or infection.
Over-the-counter commercial chemicals used for corn relief are strongly discouraged in people with diabetes and peripheral vascular disease.
Wear inappropriate footwear: too tight, too narrow or too small!